MIAMI, October 31, 2018 (Newswire.com) - With ACA Navigator funding for ACA/Obamacare through healthcare.gov derailing, Benavest is stepping in and adding more locations to help consumers with Local Obamacare enrollments. Consumers may find that enrolling in a 2019 health insurance plan may be a tedious task due to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) having to cut navigator funding by nearly 85% over the past couple years, leaving just $10 million in funding to help 34 states with coverage over the 45 days open enrollment time span (starting November 1, 2018).
Navigators help people apply for federal subsidies (tax credits/AKA Obamacare) while providing impartial information about plan options when enrolling in Obamacare. Now that there's far less navigators for 2018, many health insurance consumers will find themselves on the fritz this year, and may end up with a far less desirable plan if they don't contact and re-enroll through one of Benavest's Obamacare Enrollment Center Locations.
With open enrollment for 2019 health coverage beginning this week, BenaVest has been storming throughout Florida, opening over 20 new locations and now providing almost 40 locations for consumers to come to sign up for Obamacare/ACA health insurance. BenaVest is trying to "...offset the loss of navigators this year," says Agency Manager, Monica Rodriguez. "If we don't, who will. We have always been able to do more than Navigators anyhow since we are actually licensed to sell insurance and understand both the coverage and network options. We also electronically upload the documentation requested by the marketplace for our clients, so they do not lose coverage in the middle of the year. We have also gone out into the workplace and have companies like Target to help part-time employees enroll because they are typically not offered any financial assistance from the employer for their health coverage." Benavest has locations all over multiple states, and you can find an Obamacare location near you by visiting https://www.benavest.com/locations.
For example, Florida alone enrolled 1.7 million people with qualified marketplace plans for 2018, more than any other state. 5 navigator groups throughout Florida received $6.6 million in navigator funding. For 2019 coverage, HHS projects only $1.25 million in funding to just 1 navigator group throughout Florida. This will leave many marketplace consumers lost and, in some cases, they may find it impossible to enroll in a suitable plan for them and their families.
Source: BenaVest